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Flood survivors and their addresses before the flood

Click on the survivors’ names to read their stories.

Name Occupation Address
Barbour, George Laborer* Boards at 120 Maple Ave, Woodvale*
Beale, Rev. Dr. David Pastor Presbyterian Church
Beck, Andrew Laborer* 110 Maple Ave. Woodvale*
Butler, Mary M Dressmaker* Boards at 112 Morris*
Rev. H. L. Chapman Minister, Methodist Church Methodist Parsonage on Franklin St. two doors off Main (facing the Park)
Father Dr. Davin Priest, Cambria City Catholic Church Cambria City Catholic Church
Eldridge, Edward Operative* Boards at 85 Maple Ave. Woodvale*
Evans, Josiah T. Miner* 57½ Vine*
Fenn, Anna John Fenn, stoves* store 230 and 232 Washington,
home 244 Locust*
Fleming, J. Laborer* 38 Maple Ave. Woodvale*
Hamilton, Ida NA
Hart, Alexander N. Clerk* Lincoln near Llewellyn*
Heiser, Victor 16-year-old son of grocer George Heiser 224 Washington (home and business address)*
Hill, B.F. Arlington Dining Rooms, corner of Clinton and Portage (home and business address)*
Lewis, William F.
Linton, John P. Lawyer* office 97 Franklin,
home 276 Locust*
Mayhew, Edward Laborer* 22 Maple Ave. Woodvale*
Poland, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Dentist* Office corner of Walnut and Conemaugh,
home 72 Somerset*
Gertrude Quinn father James Quinn ran Geis, Foster and Quinn, Dry Goods and Notions, on Clinton Corner of Jackson and Main
Ramsey, Charles C.
Robb, Emma Boardinghouse, home in rear 25 Morris*
Swank, Morrell Clerk* boards Bedford near Main*
Tice, W.B.
Viering, Henry Home Portage alley near Gautier Works, Conemaugh*