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Survivor story: Emma Robb

Rev. Beale writes of a pair of mother-daughter heroines.

Mrs. Emma Robb, stepmother of Mrs. Overbeck, another of the survivors, lived at the corner of Morris and Willow Streets, south side. She is a widow, and with her only daughter she fled to the upper story of her house, taking some provisions with her. Both before and after the tidal wave struck the house, mother and daughter worked heroically to save the terror-stricken and half-drowned unfortunates who floated past their windows. They succeeded in saving the lives of twenty-six persons, and early Saturday morning the whole party were carried on a raft to the upper part of Kernville. This was heroism compared to which Paul Revere’s is tame.

Quoted in Rev. Dr. David Beale’s book Through the Johnstown Flood, p.378.