Posted: November 1, 2017 1:10 pm
Our 2018 Annual Fund drive has kicked off! We’ve mailed appeals to area businesses, and letters to individual supporters and friends are going out this week (as seen in the photo above!). As the letter explains, Johnstown is in the process of reinventing itself, and JAHA is playing a key role in that transformation by making full use of our shared heritage and history through projects such as the recent rehabilitation of the Johnstown train station. You can read more about JAHA’s history and accomplishments here.
Our goal for the 2018 Annual Fund is $120,000. Your support makes what we do possible! Please consider supporting JAHA with a generous gift, which will benefit Johnstown today and long into the future.
If you’ve not received your annual appeal letter, you can download this letter and form — or, simply donate online.