As of May 1, the Heritage Discovery Center/Johnstown Children’s Museum and Johnstown Flood Museum are open 7 days a week for the busy visitor season — we will maintain this schedule through December 1.  Welcome!

Woodstock and the Spirit of the Civil Rights Movement

Woodstock and the Spirit of the Civil Rights Movement

Date(s) - February 23, 2021
6:00 PM

JAHA’s Richard Burkert will be the next presenter in the SPARKS Johnstown series of special events designed to promote diversity and inclusion! Richard, who attended Woodstock as a teenager, will talk about his personal memories of the landmark event, as well as placing it in historic perspective.

SPARKS is a campus-wide, collaborative, multidisciplinary, and personalized effort that will take place at Pitt-Johnstown and extend to the neighboring communities. The project aims to enhance awareness and engagement related to diversity and inclusion, sustainably engage Pitt-Johnstown and the neighboring communities in promoting diversity and inclusion, and create safe spaces and a supportive environment for all.

Click here to register via Zoom